Wednesday, September 17, 2008


whoever learns Chinese or Mandarin sure comes across this short term. It basically means (in direct translation), " Learn and live until you are old " to be specific.

First stop, we will start with the library...

chp 4: the library

The treasure box and 'mother load' of resourceful information. Turns up to be a living nightmare when you see teachers around with canes and will somehow scold you even if you did a little bit of mistake, i was lucky because i wasn't one of the library's slaves for heaven's sake. The rules of the library (in a more specific way): "you screw something up, your a dipshit". My friend was one of them, and basically one of the few librarians there was crow's enemy and perhaps the class's enemy. (Yeah, about that, i will be mentioning it after some time, trying to keep a low profile.) The 'Human Resource Councilwoman' (the principal, another book worm?)had invited and hired some non-worthy people to do the job, but it's still a risk to take because students don't like working there unless they want to lepak. Following, let's get on with the library and it's books. The books i read there were usually 'donated' by kind parents or some other kind people out there. Some were dreadfully old that the cover was about to be tore off, but seriously, the school dosen't mind these major problems. As for some other new books (whom which were not donated), are somehow cheap books. To be honest, i think they're from china or other cheap retails in M'sia. But as for some other 'expensive' encyclopedias, i am afraid the school are to cheapsake to let the students read it. Well, of course, i wasn't jealous, but just to spread out the words of some 'nerds'. I might as well continue, but i've got some other things to blog about. I think there might be a part two coming right up.

Next part is coming soon, someday..
sp off,

1 comment:

Sp694 said...

ps: next part: library robbers
library human resource

what the library should have

some other words...